Welcome to Esperanto clan Rules & Requirements
No Clan war without permission !!
Lower you Ego

To join Espernato you have at least this three skills:
*Reload Shot , Half step and Double Butterfly !

*Level 70+ ( not anymore yet )

*We accept only main Characters!

Forums Rules:
1- No Ego & flaming

2-Be friend with all the forums members or at least do not attack them.

3- No spamming!

4-You are free to post any thing about FreeStyle GunZ and Esperanto clan.

5- No advertisement for any ather GunZ privat server or Hack site , credit cards numper ... etc

6- You HAVE to read PMs from Admins,mods.

Free Advertise sites:
FreeStyle GunZ Forums.
FreeStyle GunZ Website.

Made by Electricity